Anyone interested in submitting papers to the Symposium has until 10 October to submit the proposal to:
INFO to send:
- Title of the proposal
- Summary (max. 500 words)
- Area in which the proposal is presented:
Area 1. “Falles, haros and brandons”. History and current form of the festival
Area 2. Organisation and management of the fire festivals
Area 3. Education, transmission and dissemination in the Safeguarding of the PCI
Area 4. COVID, sustainability and the future of the festival
- Given name and surname
- E-mail address(es) of the author(s)
- Address / Village, Town or City / Postcode
- Employment / professional affiliation
At the beginning of the document include Author(s), e-mail address and brief description (5 lines) of the author(s).
Subsequently, the organisation will publish the papers accepted by the Scientific Committee and will communicate to the interested parties the possibility of making a face-to-face oral presentation within the selected area of the Symposium, and/or only a written presentation, with the described presentation rules down below.
Only one communication per author may be submitted.
Papers will be published on the Symposium website and after they are given will be published in the format of a book of minutes/summary dossier. The authors of the texts will receive a copy.
Since the length of the Symposium Minutes may limit the number of papers to be published, the organisation establishes the following as selection criteria until the permitted quota is filled: (1) papers selected by the Scientific Committee to be presented orally in the course of the Symposium; and (2) the date on which they were submitted.
For more information:
At the beginning of the document include Author(s), e-mail address and brief description (5 lines) of the author(s).
Length: The maximum length is 6000 words, including photographs, graphics, notes and bibliography. Format: Word. Max. 8 MB.
Body text: Times New Roman (TNR) font 12 pt. Justified and line spacing at 1.5. Margins (right and left, top and bottom): 2.5 cm. Do not indent at the beginning of a paragraph and do not use font styles (italics, bold, underline, capital letters) to indicate emphasis.
At the beginning of the document include Author(s), e-mail address and brief description (5 lines) of the author(s).
Footnotes: TNR 10 pt., numbered, justified, single line spacing. They must be clarifying and not used to introduce bibliographic references.
Page numbering: centred bottom margin, no format or emphasis
Title of the communication: TNR 16 pt., in capital letters, centred and bold.
Title of sections (1, 2, 3…) and subsections (1.1, 1.2…): TNR 14 pt., lower case and bold. Always leave a line between the end of a section and the next title of the heading, and between the title of the heading and the continuation of the text.
Images: inserted or embedded in the document (neither linked nor pasted), preferably in standard format (jpg, gif), good resolution and always with an indication of their source and authorship. The same applies to tables. Photographs and tables must be numbered sequentially and include a brief description.
Form of bibliographic references within the text, in the notes or after the citations: Lévi-Strauss (1986:202).
Bibliography: at the end of the document, sorted alphabetically and in Harvard system. The sources must be cited in the text by author and year of publication. The logic of the reference is as follows: who (author) -when (year) -what (original title) – where? (differentiated according to the source: book with the location and publisher, the magazine includes the volume, number and pages, as well as the address of the website if any). If the author is not known, the reference will be sorted according to the first letter of the title.
Book example:
Basch, L.; Glick Schiller, N. and Szanton Blanc, C. (1994) Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial Predicaments and Desterritorialized Nation-States. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach.
Book chapter example:
Beck-Gernsheim, E. (2001) “Mujeres migrantes, trabajo doméstico y matrimonio. Las mujeres en un mundo en proceso de globalización”. (“Migrant women, domestic work and marriage. Women in a world undergoing globalisation”). A Beck-Gernsheim, E., Butler, J. i Puigbert, L. Mujeres y transformaciones sociales. (Women and social transformations). Barcelona: El Roure.
Sample article in magazine:
Berger, A and Chevalier, P. (2001) “Nouvelles functions tertiaries et dynamiques démographiques en milieu rural”, Espace, Population, Sociétés, 1: 69-88